Farmer Amy's Mayo

January 20, 2025 • 0 comments

Farmer Amy's Mayo
I just decided to figure out how to make mayo one day because one, why not, and two, I was just tired of trying to find a good mayo at the store and spending money on something I could make with what I have. Once I got this recipe down, I haven't gone back to any other mayo. It is just so delicious, easy to make, and made with REAL ingredients. It's just a winner. Must try!
  • Prep Time:
  • Servings: 2 cups worth



  1. Grab yourself a quart mason jar or a jar that you want to store your mayo in. 
  2. Crack 2 eggs into your jar. I HIGHLY recommend using farm eggs with this recipe because you will be consuming the eggs raw. 
  3. Add 2 cups of oil to the jar with the eggs. I always use Sunfox Farm's sunflower oil for this recipe. The flavor is amazing and also their oil is produced right here in NH. It is cold pressed, organic, and just rich with flavor. If you don't want to use their oil, I recommend using a neutral oil such as avocado oil. 
  4. Add in dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, and salt & pepper to jar. 
  5. Now here you can either use an immersion blender to blend everything up which is what I use, or dump everything in a stand blender and blend away! For both versions blend for about 30 seconds until you see a creamy, thicker consistency. 
  6. Pop your jar in the fridge. The mayo will thicken a bit once cold. 
  7. Enjoy! I love blending in fresh herbs when in season, and also I'll add in some dried dill from time to time. This mayo is great used for mayo-ey things like sandwiches and chicken salad, but also great on eggs, a dip for fries, and even with steak. Just good on everything basically. 
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