Welcome! Online store opens December 1st 2024. CSA pre signups available now!

Our Story

Just a couple of farmers devoted to community and health.

Our Story

We met 8 years ago, on a little organic farm on the outskirts of Pheonix, AZ. Kyle was running their meat chicken operation at the time, and I was hired to work in their farm store. I had zero experience working on a farm, meanwhile he had already almost a decade under his belt. From running a production scale goat dairy, growing grains, managing other farms, handling and tending to farm animals of all kinds, to keeping bees, and much more. Working at that farm triggered a whole new world for me, a world Kyle had been living in for quite some time, a world where food is sacred. 

Kyle asked me out for a beer and in the blink of an eye we were engaged, driving across country with a u-haul and our three dogs, back to my home, New Hampshire. This is where we decided we would be career farmers. Farming in NH is really quite magic because it allows us to farm to the rhythm of all the seasons, to experience the uniqueness that they each offer. We dabbled working at different farms and jobs and ended up leasing on the seacoast. We established a wonderful community there and really developed our skills as farmers. We became rooted in regenerative farming, and all that that holds. We fell in love with nourishing the land, our animals, and our community, and we are thrilled that we now have our forever to do so, insert Forsyth Family Farm. We are overjoyed to be putting down permanent roots in Gilford, NH and to be servicing many communities for years to come. 

We love sharing our life with you daily on Instagram (@forsythfamilyfarm) and Facebook (Forsyth Family Farm). Thanks for joining us on our journey! 

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