This week on the farm...

written by

Amy Forsyth

posted on

February 8, 2025


Hello there!

We want to start off by thanking you all for your support of the farm. This transition has been quite the undertaking, and having a community rooting us on just means the world, so thank you thank you. 

So, what's going on at the farm? Well...lambing season has begun! We welcomed our first set of lambs on February 4th. One girl and one boy, both super healthy and already up mingling in with the herd. Mama is doing great as well, and we are so grateful it was a smooth and quick birth! Amongst the chilly temps and snow, it is beautiful to welcome little life into this world.

We are humming along making plans for this coming season. We have our planting and seeding plans done, which is how we organize all the vegetables we grow and the timing of them all. We will be starting seeds this coming week! Tomoatoes, salad mix, kale, chard, onions, leeks, herbs, and more! We are also going to get some pea shoots going to enjoy over these next couple of months. 

Overall, we are finally settling into our new home and finding a groove within the rest and quiet of winter. Enjoy the video for a glimpse into farm life as of late. 

Have a wonderful week! 


Your Farmers, Amy and Kyle 

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